231 Front Street, Lahaina, HI 96761 808-123-4567

Staying Human

Staying Human discusses America’s and particularly Black America’s slide into decadence, depravity, and despair and how this will lead to its subjugation to the coming tyranny of Artificial intelligence. If we look with an open mind we can see how technology has already led to the breaking down of morality and open rebellion against Godly principles that while not totally adhered to by this nation, has been a hedge against all out wickedness. Our attempt to at least guide our behavior with the precepts of holiness and godliness has allowed the American nation to receive blessings of wealth and freedom from the Most high. That is now changing and God is slowly removing his protection from our nation.

America’s power and influence whether for good or evil was given to us by God. It is He who sets up nations, and it is He who brings about their fall. What is happening to the United States today has happened before with many other kingdoms. There is no new thing under the sun. Nor was there any respect of persons given from The Most High. This nation will and is currently feeling the pains of all the other nations that has fallen before it. And just like all the other kingdoms that fell such as Rome, Greece, Egypt, and Babylon, America’s blind adherence to self-promotion, and narcissistic hubris has blurred her vision of her plight. America is now a weak nation, a nation that is living on so called past greatness.

Militarily, America relies on enormous deficit spending on technology and advanced weaponry in order to maintain its power and influence worldwide. Yet when engaged in actual combat with weaker nations America still suffers a bloody nose and a black eye. Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan, are modern examples of America’s inability to win wars outright. These wars and excursions drain the coffers of this nation and force it into deficit spending in order to maintain the false illusion of wealth and power. The scepter has been removed from America’s hand. The royal diadem no longer sits above her brow. Yet she does not perceive its removal.

The once so called democratic form of government in America has now morphed into a technocratic corporate oligarchy. The gap between rich and poor is now wider here than in any industrialized nation in the world. This leads to those in power creating a culture to maintain their wealth and prevent uprising from the masses. This will lead to the use of technological advances, such as A.I. in order to quell any potential rebellions. America, your once proud land has become a nation of fornicators, whiners, complainers, abusers, murderers, and politically corrupt parasites. America’s plight can be summed up in one Phrase.


Karma of Fornication

Gen 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

Gen 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.


1Co 15:40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.

8 And Adam said to Eve, “Look at your eyes, and at mine, which before beheld angels praising in heaven; and they too, without ceasing.

9 But now we do not see as we did; our eyes have become of flesh; they cannot see like they used to see before.”

10 Adam said again to Eve, “What is our body today, compared to what it was in former days, when we lived in the garden?”

11 After this, Adam did not want to enter the cave, under the overhanging rock; nor would he ever want to enter it.

12 But he bowed to God’s orders; and said to himself, “Unless I enter the cave, I shall again be a transgressor.




Rev 18:1 ¶ And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.

Rev 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

Rev 18:3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

Rev 18:4 ¶ And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Rev 18:5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.


2Sa 1:19

The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high places: how are the mighty fallen!

Isa 3:11 Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.


For years I was plagued with recurring dreams of walking through nasty and disgusting bathrooms. Rooms with human feces, urine , vomit. swamp and sewer water on the walls and on the floor. But the worst part of the dream was I WAS ALWAYS WALKING THROUGH IT BAREFOOTED! I didn’t realize that this was a message YAH was sending through dreams.I estimate I may have had 20 to 30 dreams of this sort within a 20 to 25 year period. Mainly before and during my first marriage. During that time I WAS STRUGGLING WITH MY SEXUAL WEAKNESSES, GLUTTONY AND LUSTS.

JOB 7-13-15 SAYS:

Job 7:13 When I say, My bed shall comfort me, my couch shall ease my complaint;

Job 7:14 Then thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifiest me through visions:

Job 7:15 So that my soul chooseth strangling, and death rather than my life.

I Realize now that YAH was showing that I needed to be washed by blood of the Lamb of ELOHIM. YASHUSHA.

I thought I was a stud. I bought into the satanic narrative that you can conquer women  through sex.I was part of the problem. A willing participant, my nature defiled. My mind reprobate . I was in rebellion against my Father in Heaven, and in constant sin against my own body. 

1st Corinthians 6:18-20 states

1Co 6:18 ¶ Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

1Co 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

1Co 6:20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.I believe everyone has a besetting sin. For some you are born with it,for others it is cultivated. And for others it’s both.

Some people are addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling etc. I cultivated gluttony, fornication, masturbation and sometimes  adultery. I realize now Yah was communicating to me through those dreams.I believe That’s why I was always barefoot in them. I now see Why Yahushua washes the disciple’s feet.

Jhn 13:5 After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.

Jhn 13:6 Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet?

Jhn 13:7 ¶ Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter.

lJhn 13:8 ¶ Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.



  1. to lodge, stop over, pass the night, abide
  1. (Qal)
  1. to lodge, pass the night
  1. to abide, remain (fig.)
  1. (Hiphil) to cause to rest or lodge
  1. (Hithpalpel) to dwell, abide
  1. to grumble, complain, murmur
  1. (Niphal) to grumble
  1. (Hiphil) to complain, cause to grumble



Exo 16:7 And in the morning, then ye shall see the glory of the LORD; for that he heareth your murmurings against the LORD: and what are we, that ye murmur against us?

Exo 16:8 And Moses said, This shall be, when the LORD shall give you in the evening flesh to eat, and in the morning bread to the full; for that the LORD heareth your murmurings which ye murmur against him: and what are we? your murmurings are not against us, but against the LORD.

Num 14:27 How long shall I bear with this evil congregation, which murmur against me? I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against me.

Num 14:36 And the men, which Moses sent to search the land, who returned, and made all the congregation to murmur against him, by bringing up a slander upon the land,

Num 16:11 For which cause both thou and all thy company are gathered together against the LORD: and what is Aaron, that ye murmur against him?

Num 17:5 And it shall come to pass, that the man’s rod, whom I shall choose, shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, whereby they murmur against you.

Jhn 6:43 Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Murmur not among yourselves.

1Co 10:10 Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer.

Yahuah operates in the spiritual realm. Those who worship Him must worship Him in SPIRIT AND TRUTH.

Psa 31:5 Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth.

Jhn 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

Jhn 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Jhn 14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

Jhn 15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:


The growing phenomenon of supposedly lovely black women who for some reason can’t find husbands in America is no accident. There are laws that govern the universe. A universe that was designed by an omnipotent, omniscient God. A God that knows the end from the beginning, a God that is not mocked.

We black people in America have adopted a heathen ideology that runs counter to our original design. A design that was of Yehusha’s own blueprint. We were and still are, PECULIAR people. A people who were designed to reflect the image of God on the earth. We were designed to be vessels of honor in our master’s house, refined as fine gold, even the golden wedge of Ophir. Yet our glitter has departed from us. Our visage has grown dim. Why?  Is the question all people who are seeking truth should ask themselves.

The answer is simple. There are universal laws that govern our reality. Gravity is a universal law that operates in our dimensional realm and shapes our reality. We know that if we jump off a two hundred foot cliff that we will die because of gravity, so we don’t jump off that 200 foot cliff, unless we have a parachute.

However the same laws that we understand and obey in the physical realm also exist on the spiritual non physical plane. We however live for the flesh which only cares about all things physical yet the spiritual is higher than the physical as heaven is higher than the earth so we would be better off violating the physical rather than the spiritual laws.

God, of course understood this since he created the universe in the first place, so he gave us laws to live by, the Ten Commandments being the primary laws. We don’t obey them and we suffer the spiritual, emotional. Psychological, and physical repercussions as a result.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the present state of our single black women. She has been duped by this satanic sex crazed culture into having no regard for the two things that is most precious in the eyes of her God and that would have been the delight of her noble husband. Her virtue and her virginity. People may say that this is old fashioned, and prude, that we as a people have evolved from that old puritanical draconian standard but what has this so called freedom gotten us as a people and what has it gotten the black women today let’s see.

ChatGPT said:

Let’s break down and elaborate on the topics you listed, with some added data and context where possible. Since you asked for recent statistics, I will give you an overview of the most updated stats for 2023–2024, where available. Please note that accurate data on certain issues can be hard to find, especially for specific years like 2024, so I will provide trends, research insights, and a general picture from reliable sources when necessary.

1. 75% Out-of-Wedlock Births (African American Community)

  • Definition:
  • Out-of-wedlock births refer to children born to unmarried parents. The rate for African American women in the U.S. has been significantly higher than other racial groups for several decades.
  • Stats:
  • The out-of-wedlock birth rate for African American women was around 70-75%
  • in recent years. According to the CDC, for the year 2022, about 70% of births to Black women were to unmarried mothers.
  • Impact:
  • This trend is often discussed in relation to economic challenges, limited access to healthcare, and generational cycles of poverty. Children born out of wedlock are statistically more likely to face poverty and challenges in education.

2. 70% Black Divorce Rate (2024)

  • Definition:
  • The divorce rate measures the percentage of marriages that end in divorce.
  • Stats:
  • While exact divorce statistics for 2024 aren’t fully available yet, historical data show that Black Americans have higher divorce rates than other racial groups. In the U.S., Black couples have about a 60–70% divorce rate, significantly higher than White or Hispanic couples.
  • Factors:
  • Key contributing factors include economic stress, financial instability, and a lack of access to counseling services.


3. Increased Poverty: African American Female-Headed Families

  • Definition:
  • This refers to the poverty rates among households led by single African American women, especially those with children.
  • Stats:
  • According to the National Women’s Law Center, as of 2015, nearly 40% of African American female-headed families lived in poverty. By 2023, this number has seen fluctuations but remains high due to structural inequalities and limited access to economic opportunities.
  • The most recent Census Bureau data reflects that poverty rates among single Black women are still disproportionately high compared to other demographic groups.
  • Context:
  • Factors contributing to this include wage gaps, lack of affordable housing, and disparities in education.

4. 72% of the Women Unmatched

  • Definition:
  • This term generally refers to the high number of Black women who are unmarried.
  • Stats:
  • The marriage rate among Black women has been declining for years. As of 2020, only around 26% of Black women were married, meaning 72% were single. The economic factors, education level gaps, and mass incarceration of Black men have all played roles in this.
  • Context:
  • Economic instability, gender ratio imbalances, and societal shifts in marriage and relationships contribute to this trend.

5. Increased Homosexuality Among Black Men

  • Definition:
  • This refers to a rise in openly homosexual Black men, reflecting societal changes in acceptance of LGBTQ+ identities.
  • Stats:
  • Research indicates that Black men identifying as LGBTQ+ has become more visible in recent years, but exact statistics are difficult to determine. Acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals within the African American community has grown, though homophobia still exists in some parts of the community.

6. Increased Lesbian Behavior Among Black Women

  • Definition:
  • Similar to the above point, this refers to an increased visibility and acceptance of lesbian relationships among Black women.
  • Stats:
  • The overall LGBTQ+ identification rate is rising across all racial groups. A 2021 Gallup poll indicated that 6% of U.S. adults identified as LGBTQ+, with more Black women identifying as such over time.

7. Decline in Black Political Clout

  • Definition:
  • This refers to a perceived or actual reduction in the political influence of African Americans, leading to concerns about systemic racism and police violence.
  • Stats:
  • High-profile incidents of police violence against Black individuals (such as the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor) have raised concerns about the loss of political power in Black communities. Voter suppression laws and redistricting have also been pointed to as limiting Black political representation.
  • Impact:
  • This is often cited as a contributing factor to increased police brutality and systemic inequalities in the criminal justice system.

8. Increase in Child Abuse

  • Stats:
  • African American children are disproportionately represented in child welfare systems and reports of abuse. In 2022, Black children made up nearly 14% of the child population but accounted for 23% of children in foster care, reflecting systemic inequities that place additional stress on Black families.
  • Factors:
  • Factors like poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to mental health services contribute to these issues.

9. Domestic Violence

  • Stats:
  • Domestic violence disproportionately affects Black women. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), over 40% of Black women experience intimate partner violence in their lifetimes.
  • Impact:
  • Economic stress, lack of resources, and systemic racism in legal and social services make it harder for Black women to escape abusive situations.

10. Homelessness Among Black Women on the Rise

  • Stats:
  • Homelessness rates for Black women have been rising. In 2022, African Americans accounted for about 40% of the homeless population, despite making up only 13% of the general population. Black women, especially single mothers, are particularly vulnerable due to wage disparities and lack of affordable housing.
  • Context:
  • The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated these issues, disproportionately affecting Black women in lower-wage jobs and housing insecurity.

11. Highest Abortion Rates

  • Stats:
  • Black women continue to have the highest rates of abortion in the U.S., with Black women making up about 38% of abortions, though they represent only about 13% of the U.S. population. These high rates are often linked to economic hardship, lack of access to contraception, and inadequate healthcare.
  • Context:
  • Restrictive abortion laws disproportionately affect Black women, contributing to high maternal mortality rates.

12. Highest STDs and HIV Rates

  • Stats:
  • Houston and other cities with large Black populations have seen sharp increases in sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV. In 2023, African Americans accounted for about
  • 40% of new HIV cases, despite being only 13% of the population.
  • Context:
  • Lack of access to healthcare, stigmatization, and poverty contribute to these disparities in health outcomes.

13. Poor Education

  • Stats:
  • Black students consistently score lower in standardized tests, have lower graduation rates, and face higher rates of disciplinary action. In 2023, the educational gap remains stark, with Black students facing significant barriers to academic success, often due to underfunded schools, poverty, and systemic racism.
  • Context:
  • Educational inequality perpetuates the cycle of poverty and limited opportunities.

14. Increased Black-on-Black Crime

  • Stats:
  • Crime rates in predominantly Black neighborhoods are often attributed to systemic poverty, lack of economic opportunities, and over-policing. In 2022, nearly 90% of Black homicide victims were killed by Black offenders, a statistic often highlighted in discussions about crime within the community.
  • Context:
  • The root causes include poverty, systemic discrimination, and lack of social services.


In conclusion, the data points to a multifaceted and deeply interconnected set of issues within the African American community, ranging from economic instability to health disparities and systemic racism. These challenges are influenced by historical and social factors and require comprehensive policy interventions and societal changes.

We refuse to see that all of these problems branch out from the tree of fornication/adultery. Especially fornication because for some sick reason a sister will tell you she doesn’t want to go to hell for sleeping with a married man, but in her mind having sex BEFORE marriage with a single man is ok. This type of hypocritical logic, this feminine\baby mama morality, as I like to call it, is the root cause of our decline and eventual destruction in America.

If we as Black Americans and Americans in general examine OURSELVES honestly, and with a heart leaning toward repentance, we will see the roots of today’s problems were planted decades earlier when we chose to violate God’s seventh commandment en masse and disregarded it as a RELIC OF THE PAST. This has been a tragic mistake of biblical proportions. The problems I just listed previously attest to this. Because of our acceptance of fornication and adultery as a norm in relationships, we now have opened the door to even greater abominations in the eyes of God and other nations. Here is my illustration. First there was the…

1)HIPPIE FREE LOVE MOVEMENT OF THE LATE 60’S AND 70’S. This led to the normalization and wide scale acceptance of fornicating before marriage, and subsequently led to the accent of the single mother epidemic we have today, especially in the black & Latino communities .This acceptance opened the door for another form of socio-sexual deviance. Which is the….

2) HOMOSEXUAL MOVEMENT: In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed the diagnosis of “homosexuality” from the second edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). This resulted after comparing competing theories, those that pathologized homosexuality and those that viewed it as normal.  This led to the widespread  acceptance of homosexuality as a normal behavior and its acceptance in mainstream society along with fornication and adultery as a normal aspect of human relations. This normalizing of homosexual relations had led to what we are now seeing today which is ….

3) THE RISE OF TRANSGENDERISM :  Transgenderism is defined as : A state or condition in which a person’s identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional ideas of male or female gender. This is the phase of Human relations that is currently vying for acceptance today (as of this writing) in 2024. Once this movement is accepted and normalized. The next phase will be ….

4) THE ASCENSION OF TRANSHUMANISM AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE : Transhumanism is defined as: The belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.  I personally believe that this is the ultimate means of tricking mankind into relinquishing his God given DOMINION of planet earth to dark entities. Which will lead to the Abomination that will bring desolation spoken of in the Book of Daniel. I discuss this in more detail in my second book called “STAYING HUMAN: EXAMINING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GOD, MAN AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”.


KELVIN L. STUBBLEFIELD IS A GRADUATE OF Middle Tennessee State University IN 1983.


HE AND HIS WIFE SANDRIA CO-FOUNDED “BIGSTUB CREATIONS” IN 2018. We are a vehicle for creativity! Our mission is to encourage individuals to utilize their artistic expression through the performing arts.
 He has just published his second book in November 2023. 


Biblical, Spiritual, and Social Analysis and Solutions to Black Americans and Mainstream AMERICAN Dysgenics, Narcissistic Self Indulgence, and the Current Politics of Self Annihilation. Amidst the dawning of Artificial General intelligence and Trans-Humanity.


Staying Human


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